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  • Writer's picturejanculekbonsai

Tall Pine - second iteration

Updated: Dec 23, 2018

This is a Pinus sylvestris as well, Collected during the sring 2008 and planted in to the wooden box.

Collected pine, 2008

After that, this tree just grows for several years and gained strength. Nobody really wanted to style it so it was just repoted into the plastic pot and continued to grow until spring 2014 when it was repoted into the ceramic bonsai pot and approximate main trunk line was established together with some future design idea.

There was no rush because most of the branches were still too long and leggy, and the root system was still not well established.

The first raw styling was done in the winter of 2017. The main structure was established and most of the branches were used during this first set up.

Then this tree continued with a free growth and has been unwired during spring 2018. This pine maintained the shape of structural branches quite well after the first wiring, so during the second iteration was possible to use much less wire. Most of the main branches still need to get thicker and stronger to hold in the right position and gain more character so no pinching will be done during the coming season in 2019. Just a lot of fertilizer and free, strong growth. This tree needs to build up the entire structure and well establish the "bones".

During the branch selection. Some of the too long branches needs to be cut back

Pine produced a lot of new foliage and back buds as well, now is easy to cut back unnecessary branches and improve the structure.

Planty of a new needle mass.

Pine produced a lot of new foliage and back buds as well, now is easy to cut back unnecessary branches and improve the structure.

The future planting angle was improved as well. The tree was tilted up to the right side to get little bit more stable feel.

During the second wireing.

Here is the finished product of the second wiring. The main structure is improved, unnecessary branches cut back. Every branch has a lot of space and even the smallest bud can grow well to increase the speed the building process of this pine. It is still too early to obsess and spend to much time and energy with the finest adjustments and little design improvements. This tree is not even in the planting position in the pot, needs to fill up the foliage pads and build up the main structure. But the attention to the smallest details and small design considerations will be very important for the next iteration when the tree should get a much more refined look.

All branches wired up.

Thank for reding and feel free to leave your comments and toughts.

Cheers Jan

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