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Product with a high balance of potassium to facilitate the transport and ac-
cumulation of reserves at this time of the year (Autumn). It also contains or-
ganic matter and amino acids that improve substrate conditions, plant vigor

and nutrient absorption.

Plant extracts which stimulate the plant’s defense mechanisms in a natural
way. Preventively recommended to reduce the incidence of diseases.

Produit avec un contenu élevé de potassium pour faciliter le transport et l’accumu-
lation des réserves à cette époque de l’année (automne). Il contient également des

matières organiques et acides aminés qu’améliorent les conditions de substrat, la
vigueur des plantes, et l’absorption d’éléments nutritifs.

Plant extracts which stimulate the plant’s defense mechanisms in a natural way.
Preventively recommended to reduce the incidence of diseases.
Produto com um teor elevado de potássio para facilitar o transporte e a acumulação
de reservas nesta época do ano (Outono). Ele também contém matéria orgânica
e aminoácidos que melhoram as condições de substrato, o vigor da planta e a e
absorção de nutrientes.


Total nitrogen/ Azote total/ Nitrogênio total........................................2.0 % w/w
Nitrate nitrogen/ Nitrate d’azote/ Nitrato de nitrogênio.......................1.1 % w/w
Ureic nitrogen / Azote uréique/ Nitrogênio ureico...............................0.7 % w/w
Organic nitrogen/ Azote organique/ Nitrogênio orgânico ...................0.2 % w/w
Phosphorus P2O5 soluble in water/ Potassium P2O5 soluble dans l’eau/ Potássio P2O5 solúvel em água........................................................................6.0 % w/w
Potassium K2O/soluble in water/K2O soluble dans l’eau/ K2O solúvel em água ...........................................................................................................9.0 % w/w
Free aminoacids/ Acides aminés libres/ Aminoácidos livres.................2.0 % w/w

LOMBRICO Bonsai Autumn, 1L

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